The power and superpower are rationalised in their own way to address and its highly accelerated term in the politics ‘Super Power’. Speculative or reality I am unable to express as it tends in the normal way of words our prime minister office diktat states Shri Narendra Modi Invest lot of energy and personal interest to maintain the diplomacy on the fact of International relations. Indeed, I have recently reading a column of PMO beat by R Prasannan in ‘The Week’ magazine he expressed Modi’s handshakes and hugs have an energy of their own and that they are going to be in fact of viral. Handshakes and hugs are hot currencies in diplomacy. In fact, it’s true to some extent diplomacy is as much about such camera moments or camera talks as signing trade treaties, tariff discussions, maybe defence deals etc only God knows. As a common man, we can see only their picture on the magazine front cover who comes and goes. We can only imagine the significance of gestures, commonality of interests, time tested ties, or at larges scope personal chemistry. As Donald Trump declared in Davos way back in winters ‘America is open for businesses for both guns and butter. Will Narendra Modi take both? Of course, it’s a million-dollar question that our power politics is oriented towards culture and human tendencies, not pure politics or nor pure business. This paper initiates bits and pieces to collect the panoramic view on power politics added mint flavour of superpower. In a scenario like cultural extravaganza awaits to see Donal Trump hype and that will rub off on the substance adding to the power politics on Indo-US relationship.
Super Power Politics-Hug And Haggle Panoramic View On India And US Relations
Publication Information
Journal Title: Indian Politics & Law Review
Author(s): Dr Kaveri Swami
Published On: 05/02/2021
Volume: 5
First Page: 66
Last Page: 74
ISSN: 2581-7086
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]
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Dr Kaveri Swami, Super Power Politics-Hug And Haggle Panoramic View On India And US Relations, Volume 5, Indian Politics & Law Review, 66-74, Published on 05/02/2021, Available at
Keywords: Power, Politics, Super Power, Diplomacy, International Relations, Trade, Tie-ups
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